How to search effectively on ebay:Be spicific in your searches.Try thinking of a few common misspellings for your search.Not all sellers on ebay have their spelling right.Think of all the different words that one might use to describe an item, like in searching for a tv, both 'TV' and 'television',in case of a phone 'phone','mobile' and 'cellphone'. Wherever you can, though,leave off the type of item altogether and search by brand and model.If you know what you're doing, you can quickly find what you're looking for on eBay -and if you can find what you want,then you can surely put up a product for sale which can be quickly found by others.After all there is nothing to beat experience. Make use the categories listed on the side of your search results. If you just searched for the name of a tv, you should click the 'tv's' category to look at results in that category only. Why bother looking results that do not concern you.Browse and you will find the best of best in a category. Lot of persons use the category system to find items,even when they're not looking for something specific. If your item is listed in the wrong category - or you've just given up and listed it in 'Everything Else' - then these people aren't going to find your auction.Listing items in the wrong categories is against eBay's rules, and eBay say they will remove any auctions that are wrongly categorised,although they don't often actually do this.It is however not worth the risk - especially since breaking any rules can cause them to penalise your account.You may even lose your"powerseller"status. So better to list your item in the most appropriate category.Type in a few words to describe the item on the category selection page,click 'search'and eBay will suggest the best category to list your item.If that doesn't seem to work for you or for some reason you are not happy with the category suggested by ebay,try to search and find under which category items similiar to yours have been place by others and follow suit.Remember that the more specific the category is, the better - use as many subcategories as are appropriate.Items listed in subcategories are always listed in every category.If your item fits in more than one category,thenf or a small extra fee, you can list your item in an extra category, to increase the number of potential buyers who will see it although i would say that it is not always worth it.Now that you are prepared think of a good title for your auction.
Sell your website....
This is for those of you interested in selling your website and make quick killing. There are many advantages to selling your internet business. From financial gain to freedom of time.Selling your website an exciting, fun, and emotional process.How much is your website worth? There are many different ideas and false conceptions going around on how an actual web business is valued.How Much is Your Online Business Worth? Find Out for Free.
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1:22 PM
eBay - fulltime?
Time to decide whether you are going to do full time or part time on ebay. Working full time on ebay is a dream come true!It's,what a million scams,promised you.Going full-time as an eBay seller is living the dream: making a real income, working from home, being your own boss and all the rest of it. However becoming a full-time eBay seller is by no means an easy track for everyone.Caution is advisable.If you succeed part-time you may consider taking it up full-time. ASK YOURSELF HONESTLY:How many hours you spend doing eBay-related things.Divide that by the average amount of profit,you make in a week. If you were doing full-time hours,would you earn as much as you earn now? In comparison to your existing job,would you be earning more or less?Would you be better of sticking to you job?The kind of money you make depend on the items you are selling.Unless you happen to be selling a large quantity of small goods, most of what you sell on eBay will,take some time,waiting for auctions to end.For high-value items,the chances are you'll hit the limits of how much money you have to invest in inventory long before you hit the limits on your time.Do you have the holding capacity?Would you be able to get by if you had no sales or less sales for a month or two?That's the real test. Sometimes working from home is more of a nightmare in reality.If you have a family then they may resent the fact that you're in the house,without having anything to do with them for major portions of the day.This can lead to squabbles.If your home atmosphere is not conductive to running the business from home,do not even think about it.You will fail.You may stop work for a while leading your profits to dip temporarily and if you continue to work haphazardly,you are done for permanently. If you made it positively through all these questions, then I guess you're made for the eBay life.If not consider being a part timer.
Posted by
12:01 PM
Earning on ebay 4
Work out a business plan...just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you've spotted, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This is more for yourself than it is for anyone else.Initially it will look like it's all going wrong.Do not give up.Keep working at it then you'll almost always find that you make a real breakthrough just when things are starting to look desperate. Identify your market. Determine what sells and what doesn't. Select those that move reasonably fast.Your initial period will be by trial and error.But keep doing it and you will catch up fast.Get hold of a supplier for whatever it is you want to sell. If the eBay prices you've seen are higher than the supplier's, then you're set. Watch your competition.Observe how others are selling the same item as they are projecting their item,price they are quoting, Pay special attention to any flaws their auctions might have. Keep trying different strategies until you find something that works, and then stick to it.Chances are that you've just found a good niche. Once you start seeing money it's time to invest and expand.Buy inventory, and start spending more time on your business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.Register yourself as a business,after you've made a few thousand dollars.A lawyer is the best guy to help you through the process.Your business has expanded and now it is time to automate.Instead of writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions,turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.This will save you time to concentrate on other areas of your business. Start small,do not invest too much,see what works and what doesn't,and learn as you go.Even the craziest ideas on eBay,may work for you.So do not shy away from experimenting different ideas.
Posted by
11:17 PM
Earn 500$ per month
Get paid for blogging. You've been writing about Web sites, products, services and companies.Imagine if you could get paid for all your articles. ENTER:PayPerPost----Through them advertisers are willing to pay you for your opinion/reviews on various topics.PayPerPost has turned ordinary bloggers into publishing powerhouses.PayPerPost incredible marketplace allows you to get paid to blog about the products, services and websites you love helping you to earn $500 or more per month,with your current blog!It is simple to earn from payperpost.First you have to join them.Then submit your blog for approval.Once approved search through a list of Opportunities, make a blog posting, get your content approved, and get paid. It's that simple.Do you have enough traffic and influence to appeal to advertisers on your own? The PayPerPost Direct widget can help you facilitate direct relationships with advertisers.You don't have to just take my word for it.Try it,earn money,and change your lifestyle.Another genuine way to earn money.What are you waiting for?Fill out the form below and get going.
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12:52 AM
Kill your ebay..
How to kill your ebay business?Although i wonder why would anyone in a right frame of mind do that.But that is exactly what a person asked me through my mail.Guy must be nuts!! Any i thought it to be funny and went about thinking how i would kill my ebay business:Here we go.. For a start make your listings as ugly,as possible.Use the maximum,possible colors,flashing lights and animations as possible,will really give those customers a headache. Write in screaming bold CAPITALS!!!!. Preferably big, red capitals. Be sure to use the fonts Impact and Comic Sans. For an extra special touch, see if you can figure out a way to add some mournful music. Say an item works fine,when actually it does not.Impress upon the customer,make the sale,accept the payment,send the damaged item,and then when the customer contacts you,don't answer him.And then when you have to answer him,do not listen to him,get into a heated argument and refuse to budge from your stand that the item was perfectly ok.Your customers will hate you! Do not deliver on time.Send the parcel,whenever you feel like it.Make sure to leave your customers hanging around, wondering when their item is going to turn up and whether it will turn up at all. Better still don't send the parcel at all,but inform your customer that you have send it.Keep ringing him up and ask him how the product was,till the customer screams at you! Send an item entirely different from the one ordered for,that after a lot of delay. Let your auction end in the middle of the night. Why go to the trouble of working out whether auctions will end at a good time? Treat your customers with utter disregard after you recieve your payment.Ask them not to disturb you with queries. Sell items of very low quality for a 200% profit.Do not give any discount or special deals which would make the customer come back to you. Be as brief as possible with your descriptions of your items, and use lots of mysterious abbreviations.All those screwball customers should break their head and start querying you.Hell with them!Don't you reply!! Use reserve auctions: Now, this is a fairly controversial final choice, but it really is one of the best ways to scare away your customers. They'll see 'reserve not yet met', and click that 'back' button before you know it. Luckily, they can always bid in a normal auction for the item somewhere else. Ring them up in middle of the night and threaten them with dire consequences if they ask for a refund or complain to ebay. After all this you will no doubt kill your business,but your customer will never deal online anywhere again.There you are you have killed your business and you have killed your customer
Posted by
9:57 PM
Build your reputation 2
Always consider your customer as correct and avoid getting ito heated exchanges.It will only harm your reputation and as already said finish your online business.One piece of negative feedback will always cost you dearly.It is better to deal with the complaint.A refund will usually solve any problems. You should consider any positive feedback percentage under 100% to be an absolute disaster, and a personal failure on your part.
Posted by
11:18 AM
Build your reputation 2
Posted by
11:18 AM
Build Reputation on ebay
Build reputation:I mean a good reputation.Online transaction requires a solid reputation.Without it you are an absolute ZERO!Would you do business with a seller who is getting comments such as this-- "took a month to deliver the item", or "sent a damaged item"?Comments such as these will finish you as an online seller.Ok, despite the fact that you have acted honestly,you have still got a negative feedback.What then?Well! keep your cool and communicate with the buyer to find out exactly what went wrong!Remember that one satisfied
Posted by
12:27 PM
Responsiblity of a seller in ebay
A seller in ebay has a lot of responsibility.This simple checklist will help you keep on top of things and set yourself a quality standard.
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6:46 PM
ebay4 sale
Now that you are ready to sell,here are the steps to posting your first eBay Auction. Step 1: Open an eBay seller's account,unless you already have one.Even if you have a buyer's account it is enough to log in and click "sell" on the toolbar at the page top.Then click 'Create a seller's account'. If you're new eBay,then you'll need to open an account first using the 'register' link underneath the toolbar, and then click 'Sell' and 'Create a seller's account'.The eBay site will then guide you through the process.
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1:01 AM