


ebay powersellers

PowerSellers are the people on eBay who've made it, recognizable by the little 'PowerSeller' badge next to their name.eBay has a set of requirements which when fulfilled or achieved by a seller on ebay gets him the coveted position of a powerseller along with a badge.To get in at the minimum PowerSeller level, you must have a feedback rating of at least 100 (minimum 98% positive) and sell at least $1,000 worth of items every month for three months in a row. There are different levels of PowerSeller membership as you sell items of greater value: $1,000 total is bronze,$3,000 is silver, $10,000 is gold, $25,000 is platinum and $125,000 is titanium. PowerSellers think far more like regular off line shops. They sell the same items again and again, every week - regular stock for regular customers.They keep inventories and operate within a budget. Just like a real shop, there can be hard times, but their income is stable and their business can grow slowly.The best advice I can give you on operating on ebay like a power seller is this: don't take long-term risks for short-term gain. Look after your reputation, manage your selling properly, provide good customer service and the rewards will come to you in due course. And you'll get a little badge next to your name that makes people trust you more!

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