


Build your reputation 2

Always consider your customer as correct and avoid getting ito heated exchanges.It will only harm your reputation and as already said finish your online business.One piece of negative feedback will always cost you dearly.It is better to deal with the complaint.A refund will usually solve any problems. You should consider any positive feedback percentage under 100% to be an absolute disaster, and a personal failure on your part.

Here are a few common situations you might run into and ways to handle them: Item never arrived: Be very polite and reply immediately or by phone asking the buyer to wait a few more days to see if it turns up.If even after the wait period the item fails to reach the customer,better consider the item as lost,(you can follow up your problem with post office later)Do not make the customer wait.Either offer a refund or a replacement immediately and watch the positive comments flow in.Do not,i repeat get into a dispute,under any circumstance.And no i really really don't care about the additional costs you could incur and neither should you,if you are serious about selling on eBay. Item damaged in transit:Replace it or take it back for a refund.Item doesn't match the description: Do not reply a mail back with"yes it does, you just didn't read the description properly".Takethe item back and give a refund,check and edit your description if you need to,removing any points that are not clear.I'm sure you're getting at what iam trying to say.Offering a refund will solve almost any problem,and in the long run you will be happy youdid.Remember, one piece of negative feedback will stay with you forever, while having a 100% positive rating is like owning the whole of ebay. Always take steps to tackle customers' complaints before they complain to eBay.Better to email them pre-emptively to ask if they have any complaints.You must have come to a conclusion that iam some sort of a nut,and that my suggestions can be followed only if the items sold are cheap?You are wrong.The higher the price of the items you sell, the more your reputation is worth to you. Let's say you were selling $60,000 worth of items each week, for example, and making a $6,000 profit per week overall. You might think that giving back one customer's $6,000 purchase would be a utter loss, of a whole week's profit.Consider it this way:if you don't give that refund,you may need to close shop and there goes your earning avenue!Now which is better?Closing shop or offering a refund?

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