


Build Reputation on ebay

Build reputation:I mean a good reputation.Online transaction requires a solid reputation.Without it you are an absolute ZERO!Would you do business with a seller who is getting comments such as this-- "took a month to deliver the item", or "sent a damaged item"?Comments such as these will finish you as an online seller.Ok, despite the fact that you have acted honestly,you have still got a negative feedback.What then?Well! keep your cool and communicate with the buyer to find out exactly what went wrong!Remember that one satisfied

customer is better than 100000 unsatisfied customers.You might argue..heck i will open another account and get on with it...WEll,it is not so simple as you think.You Can't Just Open a New Account.EBay's allows only one account.Even if succeed in opening a new account, there are far more downsides.Literally speaking you will have to start all over again from scratch. Many of the new eBay features will be unavailable to you.Your already existing customers won't be able to find you any more.your feedback rating will be low.Because of your low feedback rating,your auctions will finish at a lower sale price.You will run into a loss and will have to close shop ultimately.So,it is clear that opening a new account is not a solution. Reputation bulds trust.Trust builds credibility.Credibility leads to positive feed back.Positive feed back leads to more customers.more customers lead to more sales.More sales,leads to more profits.More sales makes you powerseller.When a powerseller tells his customers something they tend to believe him,because they believe that he is not going to fool them and run the risk of damaging his reputation.So you may increase the price of your product.Potential customers will not bother about paying the extra amount as they feel that it's worth the extra money,as they would prefer dealing with someone who is unlikely to offer substandard products and services,than dealing with someone who has little or no reputation or a negative reputation,even if his products,come cheap. There is only one way to build a reputation.Be honest.Please your customers.A little difficult,but well worth the time and effort.

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